I may have been procrastinating by visiting Substack but will now get back to the task at hand. Brilliant advice, thank you!

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I'm sorry Rebecca! 😅 The advice is to 'schedule your distractions' though this is REALLY hard. I try to keep checking socials, including Substack, as a reward after writing (or another task) rather than before. Though I must admit, I don't always succeed.

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There's a reason this just popped up in my LinkedIn feed - no idea why I was scrolling there rather than writing Morning Pages. So distracted right now so this is v timely - thank you!

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There's serendipity to be found in distracted scrolling! But yes, I ask myself all the time - do I need to be checking LinkedIn now? Really? The answer is very rarely yes 😅

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Do it when you can, not when you have to.

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