So delighted and flattered by the well-thumbed copy of Daily Rituals making an appearance — thanks for sharing!

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There is probably a German word for the joy you feel when you see someone reading a book you love. It was my absolute pleasure to share 😊

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Oh I’ve just received “your story matters” in the post today, what serendipity!

I’ve just finished Untamed by Glennon Doyle which is part memoir, part call to arms, part development book. I enjoyed it a lot and it gave me a (as always) much needed kick up the butt.

As will the sprint! See you there 💪

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The serendipity of 'your story matters' arriving. I haven't actually read Untamed, though I have bought it for friends who needed it. Perhaps that's telling me something!

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I’d definitely recommend Bec ❤️

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Looking forward to it Annette :)

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