I needed this post! Monday accelerated off at 100 miles per hour with a very long to-do list packed full or urgent tasks. I started the day with 15 minutes editing my work in progress and finished the day with the same. It wasn't about word count or making progress, more about keeping in touch with it.

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Love this post, thank you. Off to do one small thing - 5 minutes of journalling.

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That is my go-to starting action. Always makes me feel better and more focussed. Hope the journaling went well.

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Had a good start to the new year. Saved draft mss with the new time stamp!

Set some targets

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Great start - I love the new date stamp - I always a get tingle of excitement with a new project name, and especially one with a new year date!

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To a Fulfilling and Prosperous 2024 to Chris and Bec, and to all!

I've loved all the posts and tips, but I especially like this one due to the reference to the Chinese proverb re starting. Indeed, NOW is the best time, if the earlier opportunity slipped by.

Also, I enjoy portmanteau words. Language evolves and is agreed on by users. My favorites are "brunch" and "chillax", but am awkward using the "spork" (though I use the actual tool) and "frenemy" (though that the hard truth).

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Thank you Edith 💞 we love writing the newsletter and are so pleased it helps. Here's to all that 2024 brings. Your portmanteau words are great - they feel like a creative writing exercise, make a story out the following words 😊

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My New Year’s Resolution is to get up 1 hour earlier in the mornings to write. So far I have succeeded a couple of times, but ended up napping in the afternoon instead of managing to go to bed earlier. This is not good. I need to be accountable and put myself to bed earlier if I want to get up earlier and write. I’d like to start with 10 minutes earlier tonight! Tiny steps.

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It is all about tiny steps. When I need to get up earlier to write rather than setting the alarm a full hour earlier, just set it 5 or 10 minutes earlier and each day, knock off another few minutes. It helps me slowly adjust - especially in winter when it is so dark. In the same way you can increase your writing time a little each day, starting at just five minutes and going up from there. After a week or two you'll hit that goal hour of up an hour earlier to write and using that time productively.

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