Nice twist on “inspired action,” I try to take from the manifesting workshops I watch. I’ve also been a member of London Writers Salon for a couple years. Love Matt and Parul, but I haven’t taken advantage of the opportunities to join the sub-groups there. Oops! I’ll correct that.

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I'd love to hear more about 'inspired action' - it's great how the same truth is applied in different perspectives and for different audiences. And yes, you must check out the sub-groups - I find this one of the most inspiring aspects of London Writers Salon, how it was started by Matt and Parul and they supported the community to grow and organise beyond. They are amazing :)

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I heard of “inspired action” when I read The Secret years ago. Some of the speakers said it’s good to visualize, but you have to follow up with inspired action. A woman I know, Chellie Campbell, author of The Wealthy Spirit calls it “sending out ships.” Maybe like reading your blog and following the advice....in my case, the material about procrastination. Lol

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Love the caveat about using passion as a descriptor. I am freakish about writing. It is my hot little (not so secret) inner temple. Would I ever say that out loud? No! I just say I like writing 😊🔥

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Here's to our hot inner temples! May we struggle to describe them yet celebrate their existence.

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I really, really am not a writing group person. I know this from experience, especially with people who just love to grab the limelight and stay there. I think having a mentor would suit me better if I could find one.

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It's great that you have learned your preferences - Chris would say he's not a writing group person! There are lots of mentors out there - do you have a writing development agency in your region?

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I love that concept of increasing your luck surface area. I took the plunge in October and started The Bag of Stars, a monthly online meet-up at 7am to write together for an hour for five mornings. Prompted by insights from your course!

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Bag of Stars is so great! I think with community it much like Toni Morrison said of writing “write the book you want to read” Build the community you need to exist. You did that :)

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Great post. Also agree with the caveat about passion. Passions flame out after a while.

Whereas curiosity ignites a flywheel: It gives you the energy to learn and improve. Thus increasing your ability to create something that others value because it is meaningfully different. You can exchange that for something you value (money, attention, whatever). Which increases your confidence and the autonomy to follow your curiosity at a deeper level.

Doesn't just apply to writing, but to anything humans can be curious about...

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I think you've picked up an important point in Roberts' quote that whatever 'passion'/curiosity you have must be *effectively communicated* to others - ie. it must have a meaningful value to other people. This, as you say, then enables you to build on that curiosity further. Thanks for commenting Paul.

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