If it weren’t for you guys, your book, and your posts, I’d be lost. All my life, I have told stories, had a vivid imagination, and created childhood plays. Yet, I could never write beyond my college Creative Writing classes. Even when told by my professor, I needed to continue my stories. I could not find a way to work writing into my busy life. Thus, days and years went by, and all I wrote were my morning pages and sometimes a journal. Here I am at 67, and thanks to you, I have finally learned there is a process for writing; whether or not I am busy, I can write. However, all my do’s, don’ts, and maybes had a purpose, as I was unprepared. Now, thankfully, I am writing an outline for a book, and my mind keeps coming up with ideas for more. I am no longer afraid that what I say doesn’t matter. I merely write anyway!

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This means so much - thank you! It's our absolute joy and pleasure to share the advice we've learned over the years supporting writers. I love hearing how people are picking up that pens at all stages of their life and getting to the tell the stories that they have held on to for many years. I am so excited by your progress and can't wait to hear how you get on. Thank you for reading and keep writing, we're cheering you on, Bec

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Bec Evans, Chris Smith

My son’s school, as they go into year 9, has told them to formulate a life “plan A” and plan B, but also a plan C for if it all goes tits up. I at first found this disturbing but now quite like that they are encouraging them to take a view that even plan C could be ok if thought through.? A bit like your pessimism training… :-)

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It is like it! The Stoics believed that things will go wrong but that we will be OK. While we are right to be suspicious of advice from long-dead men with tonnes of privilege, I am heartened that modern research into resilience backs this up. I hope your son and his fellow classmates are prepared for the worst - and are able to survive and thrive with their plans in place.

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I’m v interested that there is a Stoic Week! Thank you for sharing Bec.

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