This is very ‘timely’ I’m just listening to A podcast with Oliver Burkeman. I love his concert of finitude and prioritising those tasks and projects that are most important to us. That’s why I love London Writers Salon and the hour each morning I get to spend with my writing.

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I adore Oliver Burkeman as I am sure you've noticed! Next week's newsletter will be sharing some of his tips from various interviews over the years. His approach is so refreshing. And, I adore LWS - the commitment to writer's hour is transformative - Matt & Parul have created a space that supports so many to keep showing up.

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Yes, I think his approach is so freeing for creative pursuits and perfectly aligned to your work too! I look forward to the next newsletter.

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I've been having fun today reading all my past interviews with him. I think I am using it as a form of procrastination 🙃 I will write the newsletter and I hope you enjoy it!

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deletedMay 10, 2023Liked by Bec Evans, Chris Smith
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LWS is amazing! Have you ever read Becoming a Writer by Dorothea Brande? It was written in 1934 and she described exercises based on triggering an automatic writing habit. Still stands in the Zoom age.

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deletedMay 11, 2023Liked by Bec Evans
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She's like a stern headmistress - but I love her

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May 10, 2023Liked by Bec Evans, Chris Smith

I agree 💯 Since starting the daily writing challenge (day 1,949 today!), I commit to writing for a minimum of 5-10 mins a day but more if I can. The flexible approach makes me feel more in control and able -- less like a failure. Its previously been famine of feast for me, so being able to find this happy middle place makes all the difference. Great post, Bec.

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That is quite some streak! When did you start (sorry my 365 times table is not very good)? I hope you have plans for celebrating your second millennium. There is something so comforting about a daily practice, not so much that it gets the words down, but that it allows us to experience the ups and downs, the good and bad days, and still keep in contact with our writing. Here's to the next 1,949 days :)

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Finger maths is my limit, so the answer is... a lot :D I started it with Prolifiko and the 100 days writing challenge with Jenn Ashworth! I just carried on and have continued through everything: job changes, house moves, my dad's death, arguments, weddings, you name it. It feels rude to stop now :) I feel that because I was able to write through even the most horrendous of days/times, I have no excuse not to write every day now. Day 1,995 (phew).

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Day 1,995!! Now THAT is a writing streak :) Amazing Nat thanks for sharing :)

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Typo! It’s 1,957 😄

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